πŸ‘‹Welcome to Picket

The easiest way to authenticate wallets & token gate anything


Picket is a developer-first, multi-chain web3 auth platform. With Picket, you can easily authenticate users via their wallets and token gate anything. You and your team can avoid the cost, risk and time required to build – and manage – your own wallet-based auth and/or token gate solution. So, you can get to building your unique web3 experience as fast as possible and focus on what makes your project and community unique. Integrating Picket takes just a few minutes. These docs are here to get you up and running to get your web3 experience to the world as fast as possible. If you haven't already you can sign up for access to Picket here. You can also reach out to us for help at any time at team@picketapi.com.

One Click Wallet Authentication

One click wallet authentication allows your users to login by connecting their wallet. It can also be used to link a user’s wallet to their existing user account. Users simply sign a message with their wallet (a one click operation) and Picket handles the rest. Once the user is authenticated, you’ll receive a JWT access token that you can store and use for future external API requests.

Token Gating

Token gating is a web3 native method of authorization. Token gating restricts access to communities, content, and functionality to users that hold the required token(s). Token gates are extremely simple for users. Users can verify token ownership by connecting and verifying their wallet balance. This is typically a one-click experience in most crypto wallets. It's now also one line of code for developers with Picket. Developers have already used token gating to create exclusive community experiences that range from token gated discords to live event ticketing. Any experience you want to make only accessible to token holders can be easily gated with Picket.

Linking a Wallet to an Existing Account

Picket helps you adapt your existing traditional web applications to the modern web3 world.

Picket's authentication flow verifies wallet ownership, which allows you to securely link a wallet address to a user's profile on your backend. Once you've connected a wallet address to a user, you can integrate web3 information, like NFTs and ENS, into the user's profile!

One API, Multiple Chains

Picket gives you a single API to enable login with wallet functionality, authenticate wallets and authorize users based on token ownership across multiple chains. Whether you want to token gate by an ERC-20 token on Polygon or a collection of SPL tokens on Solana, Picket makes it simple.

Want to jump right in?

Jump in to the quick start docs and make your first request:

πŸš€Quick Start Guides

Want a deeper understanding of Picket concepts?

Understand the concepts that make up Picket


Want to explore the full API Reference

Get into the details of all the API calls possible with the Picket API.

πŸ“–API Reference

Last updated